Saturday, March 23, 2013

Warning: This post may contain a Boy Rant

So, I know its been a while and for anyone out there who actually reads my blog, I'm sorry. I keep thinking about things to write out but never log on to write a post. So here it goes: when I was in high school, I always wanted to be the girl who had a lot of guy friends. Whether through texting or just having guy friends to talk with, I just wanted to know that they were there. I was quite of a dork throughout high school and didn't really have any guy friends, mainly because I develop crush on guys rather quickly and then become scared of talking to them, but that is besides the point. So when I got to college and started making friends (girls and boys) it was new for me. I became that girl who was able to talk to guys with out "like liking" them. And for the most part I enjoy having guy friends, because they offer a perspective that I can't get from my girl friends. Currently in my life I have 2 really good guy friends. And frankly I don't think I want or need anymore. You may be thinking thats so crazy, no one can have too many friends guys or girls. But for me its always been easier for me to have a few close friends than a lot, because I just ended up ignoring some anyway.
But talking to guys also opens up this weird time where you don't know if that guy is going to end up being your friend or something more. And apparently it is not socially acceptable to just go ahead and ask, because you'll get either a lol what are you talking about response, or a more serious, no we are just friends. I went through that awkward stage with both my guy friends now and believe me when I say I don't want to go through that again. So this all connects to a guy that I have been talking to for quite some time. I basically told him a few months ago point blank is this going to become something more. I hate "pussy footing" (as my mom would say) around the point and just wanted to know. And he is a lol type of person so he gave me the lol you're a really good cool person and I really need to get to know you better lol. (yeah that really was one of the conversations I had with this guy.) Also he was the type of guy (like many) who would be like lets hangout, lets hangout and when I would say okay what did you have in mind, he would be like oh I don't know. Umm you're the one who asked me to hangout. Needless to say that guy really just wanted to be my friend...
Ahh okay I really need to stop about this certain guy, because if anyone is reading this you probably don't care but I really needed to get it off my chest. But one last thing. Is it so hard for a guy to ask a girl out anymore. I'm talking about a real ask out, not some lets hangout some time kind of ask out. I want a real, hey would you like to go out to dinner with me Saturday night and maybe see a movie after, type of ask out. Why does everything have to be soo casual. I clearly give the classic signs that I am interested. Like figure it out! I guess if I want something done I have to pull a Monica, which to me seems terrifying, but they are the man they're supposed to man up and do it!
Anyway, I warned you. I really needed to get that all out there, because its been bothering me all day. I want love, really. I just have to find a way to do it on my terms. I guess if that doesn't work out I can always get a lot of cats...

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes I wish I lived in the '50's when guys asked girls out. Who knew we'd live in an age where that would turn into a "sup" text. Not to say girls can't do the asking, but I guess I'm old fashioned in that sense. 21st century boys never learned to grow a pair and be MEN! Confidence is always attractive :-)
