Friday, March 15, 2013

Let me clear something up

Hi again! So I realized after I posted my first post, I should have explained why I chose "Fighting Fashionista" as my blog title. Well, as you know I am a recent college graduate of JWU where I studied Fashion Merchandising & Retail Marketing. I have always loved fashion and have always been drawn to it. Now just to get things straight I don't like it in the stereotypical I like to shop there for I majored in fashion. I love feeling shirts and guessing the textile make-up or flipping through the newspaper and naming the designer that the celebrity is wearing. I love the history, the forecasting, the language. So when I say I love fashion, you can believe me when I say I am not some shopper fashionista wanna be. Any who, I currently work part time at Anthropologie, a store that I've been obsessed with for a long time. I enjoy working there very much and get along with all of my fellow associates and managers. But I am still searching for a job that is more creative. I interned at my Anthro store last spring and it was a life changing experience. I was a display intern and worked closely with the visual team to create the in-store and window displays. Unlike most stores, Anthro stores create their display in house and everything is made basically by hand. It takes a lot of time and trial and error, but when the display is finished and in the store it makes the whole process worth it. So basically I am looking for a job where I feel that feeling again. Looking at something that I made and that I am proud of, something that at the end of the day I can go home and feel accomplished. I don't know if that is asking for too much, but that is what I am in search of. So my blog name is me the fashionista not giving up until I've found that job that gives me that feeling. And I won't give up.

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