Friday, June 7, 2013

Oh dear... its been a while

So I'm sorry that it has taken me so long to write another post, life got in the way. Definitely been busy with work, now that I work a full time schedule. Its crazy how when you're in school and your professors try to tell you what "the real world" is going to be like and you say yeah yeah yeah. But when you actually start doing what they said, you realize they were unfortunately right. I guess everyone deserves their "I told you so" moment. Lately I have been thinking about what I wanted my next post to be, but I just didn't have the chance to write it. I want to set the scene by saying I work with 99.9% females and 1 male, so needless to say everyday is an interesting day. I've found that women in general, not only the ones that I work with, love to talk about body image (whats on the outside.) Probably a month ago now, I was sitting in the break room eating my lunch with my fellow associates and had been tuning in and out of their whole conversation. As I started to tune back in all I heard was calorie counting, weighing oneself, and loosing weight. And for some reason, that particular shallow conversation struck a nerve with me. As women we are taught very young to never be happy with who we are. If you think about it, we are taught from day one to always do better. This probably started as, be a better person, but changed into always trying to look better. When I was young whenever I became "happy" with myself i knew I had to change. And to tell you the truth I wasn't happy with myself often. The bar was set so high I would get discouraged every time. But lately I've been thinking is it okay that I like who I am and that I don't want to continually stress myself out about loosing weight or having perfect skin or caring about my hair? Is it okay to like yourself? I say hell yes! After letting go sometime ago I just feel more at peace and a lot more easy going. Accepting me for me was the best thing I ever did. I would definitely recommend it. I know it sounds easier said than done, but when you're ready you will know. It's going to feel like you're going against everything you were ever taught, but thats because you are. But when you're at the edge of the cliff the only thing to do is jump. So what are you waiting for?

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